Kandy by Tuk Tuk

Kandy by Tuk Tuk

Highlights & Features

  • Travel through Kandyan history up to the present day
  • Witness stunning vistas from on high
  • Travel by tuk tuk between locations
  • Includes: guide, tuk tuk, refreshments
  • Times: 2.5 hours, 9am and 3pm
  • Children: 5+
  • Wear/bring: conservative clothing & appropriate footwear
The Full Experience

Travel through Kandy’s past and present, discovering how it became a popular destination for pilgrims and conquerors.


Kandy is a place unlike most others. Its uniqueness is defined by its landscape. Surrounding it are hills, mountains and rivers, all of which provided natural ramparts and protection from attempted conquering. It is at the lake you will meet your host, who will firstly take you a short walk around the lake and up to a colonial remnant of history, Garrison cemetery. Here you will see names of influential people in Kandy’s history, and learn of how the British played a vital if controversial role in its formation. On your way to the tuk tuk, you will pass through the grounds of the temple of the tooth, a place sure to visit during your stay in the city. From here you will travel by tuk tuk up high and discover the hills and views that overlook the city. Learn of historic tales whilst sat underneath a giant Buddha, and marvel at the vista which literally takes the breath away. To end your trip, you will visit Helga’s Folly, an unusual hotel perched above the city. Here you will refresh yourself and learn about Helga herself, and all of the A list Hollywood guests she has hosted over the years.

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